Dove Field Essentials for Opening Day with John Dunaway


John Dunaway in the field

Well it’s that time of year! When barrels are raised and birds fall (sometimes right in your lap) for the first time since the solstice fell. Where it’s perfectly acceptable to bring a full kitchen & bar to the field and indulge ones-self in childlike humor and antics. Something like Christmas morning with your best friends, there’ll be plenty of new, shiny toys to show off and brag about.

We want to make sure you’re set up to be the coolest kid at show & tell so we got with our good friend and Ambassador John Dunaway. Founder of Paloma Blanco and resident Dove Field Vibe Curator. John put together a list of the top 10 essentials to ensure a good time on opening day of dove season, take a look...

TOP 10 essentials for Opening Day of Dove Season:

  1. OtoPro Soundgear Phantom Earplugs
  2. Russell Moccasins Wyman Snakeboots
  3. Beretta Silver Pigeon 20Ga.
  4. Turtlebox Gen 2. Speaker (Soundtrack to life)
  5. Nomad Grill (For tasty field snacks)
  6. A blender for Jay Tinney’s Turbocolada
  7. Howler Bros. Horizon Hybrid Short
  8. Your favorite Bandana for style & sun protection
  9. A slingshot for Jr. (He’s 4)
  10. A Good attitude and a big smile. This is the best hunt of the year!


  11. Epic Western (Post hunt lubrication)
  12. Yeti Stackable Pint (Wet your whistle)
  13. Game shear & Zip-Loc (for those birds)


A Force for Good
Paloma Blanco

Paloma Blanco has grown from an annual invite dove hunt, to a force of good for the outdoors which Turtlebox has been in attendance since year 2. Last year they generated $21,900 which shocked even John so why stop there. This year the event generated $35,367 for Texas Parks & Wildlife Foundation which supports efforts across the state for anyone stepping foot in the outdoors, hunters, anglers, hikers and campers alike. There is still time and an event waiting, where they may top that fundraiser.