Miles Harvey
Surf & Mountain Sports
Born & raised in the small mountain town of Salida,CO, Miles has grown up surrounded by endless opportunity for adventures in the outdoors. Inspired by his father Mike, a former pro kayaker, he took to the river early on & quickly began competing in kayak & river-surfing competitions. Now established as an innovator & world class competitor, Miles focuses on passing along his passions to the younger generation. In the offseason, when the rivers turn icy & snow begins to fall,he heads for the backcountry of the Rocky Mountains in search of powder days on his skis. Gliding his way into the high country come fall, where elk bugles & big horn sheep play hide & seek as he guides hunters in some of the most rugged terrain on earth.
“I hope to continue to push the sports I love and go deeper and further into wild places around the world.”
Whether he’s on the river, strapped into his skis or high above the tree line chasing ruminant animals, Miles is pushing the progression of these pursuits, all the while earning the respect & admiration of the outdoor community at large.

What is your profession? Did you always know this is what you would end up doing or was it something you “stumbled into”?
I would consider myself a river waterman, outdoorsman, and a tradesman. I am most known for river surfing but I love to spend my time doing a bunch of different sports in the Colorado Mountains. I compete in river surfing and whitewater kayaking in the summer, guide hunting in the fall and chase the snow on my skis in the winter. My dad was a professional whitewater kayaker and my mom grew up ski racing so I grew up involved in these sports. It was all I knew as a child and I have always had a desire to stay in this lifestyle.
Favorite movie?
No Country For Old Men.
Favorite book?
YETI Wild Sheep book
Most inspiring quote, piece of art, saying, or advice that has impacted the way you live today?
“The lot is cast into the lap, but it’s every decision is from the Lord” Proverbs 16:33
When you’re not working, what are you doing for fun?
I love to river surf in my hometown, go fly fishing, ski powder and scout new mountains for upcoming hunts. Those activities all give me a mental break and are my greatest passions in life.
Coolest place you’ve ever traveled?
I spent 3 weeks last winter in the Patagonia region of Chile. Fly fishing, kayaking, exploring and camping. It was one of the most beautiful places I have ever been and the people were some of the kindest people I have ever been around.
Bucket list destination you haven’t been yet?
Wild sheep hunting in the Northwest territories and surfing in Fiji.
You’re stranded on a deserted island - who is coming with you and why?
A few of my buddy’s from home. Not sure if we would make it but it would be a good time at least.
You get to have drinks with anyone (dead or alive) — who are you calling?
Wyatt Earp, because I would love to hear his stories. Especially the ones that took place in Colorado mountain towns.
What advice would you give an 18-year-old that wants to do what you do?
Give it a shot, a lot of these sports are quite intimidating but everyone starts somewhere. Don’t be afraid to ask for help.
Any guilty pleasures?
I love french toast and bacon.
What’s your favorite wild meat/fish to eat? (i.e. venison, dove, quail, king fish, redfish, etc.) And in what kind of meal do you prepare it/eat it?
Axis deer and Ahi are my favorite. Axis backstrap steaks are the best way to prepare it and for Ahi just make it into some poke’.
What’s your favorite element of Turtlebox?
My favorite element of the Turtlebox has to be the waterproofness and durability. All summer I use it on the water with me. It has been on a raft in a deep wilderness canyon to sitting on the bank getting sprayed during a surf session. All fall it's with me at hunting camp. Getting dirty, dropped and experiencing all season weather.
How do you use your Turtlebox?
My favorite ways to use my Turtlebox is float fishing on the river, hanging around hunting camp, on the bank while surfing and normal day to day chores and work.
Name the most famous contact in your phone?
Probably my dad, he’s quite the small town legend around here.