One of the best aerial surfers in the world
As one of the best aerial surfers in the world, Maui native Matt Meola can easily be considered a jack-of-all trades. Growing up in Hawaii, he connected early on to the natural world around him & while he makes his living on a surfboard, his abilities go far beyond the wave.

On flat days, you’ll find Matt cruising the sea by boat, trolling or spear fishing for the myriad of species that live just off the coast of his home island. When the cooler is full, he takes to the hills of Maui where the harvesting of Axis deer is permitted year round, giving Matt the chance to hone in on the spot & stalk of those animals with his bow. And when there’s not one square inch of his freezer left to store the spoils of his pursuits, you can find Matt at home. It’s there he’ll be strumming on his guitar, hanging out with his pet deer “ Doenut” and tending to his ever-growing garden. Matt is one-of-a-kind and we are stoked to have him as part of the crew. Take a peak inside his fascinating lifestyle in the Q&A below...
What is your profession? Did you always know this is what you would end up doing or was it something you "stumbled into"?
I guess I’m most well-known for my Surfing. I never imagined being a professional surfer. I just sort of fell into it naturally because that’s what all my friends were into at the time. A big part of my friend group all became professional surfers. Surfings my bread and butter but I’m equally as passionate about the outdoors, Fishing, diving, Bow hunting, writing music. They are all just other way to connect with nature. I believe the purest form of happiness comes from the simplest and most natural things. Being In the outdoors, connecting with nature, hunting and cooking your own food. Surrounding yourself with good company.
Favorite movie?
I don’t watch much TV but I guess Forest Gump would be up there!
Favorite book?
Can’t really think of a favorite book. I guess any good cookbook, haha.
Top 3 favorite bands, or artists that you love?
I have so many that I love. I really appreciate a well written song. Big in to good county music. Stapleton, Tyler Childers, Stephen Wilson jr. Gotta throw My sister Lily Meola in there and of course my brother Lukas Nelson. I also love some intense metal for surf clips. Maybe Metallica.
Most inspiring quote, piece of art, saying, or advice that has impacted the way you live today?
Who’s gonna carry the boats? Who’s gonna carry the logs?!!!
When you're not working, what are you doing for fun?
Lucky enough to say I’ve made my life and passions my work. All my interest have become a big part of my image.
Coolest place you've ever traveled?
Elk hunting in Montana. Was breathtaking and different for most of my other trips. I’m usually surfing in tropical locations so it was amazing to be in the mountains.
Bucket list destination you haven't been yet?
Fanning Island for Fishing and Surfing. Heli boarding in Alaska!! Would love to go elk hunting at the Deseret Ranch. Also would love to hunt red stag in New Zealand.
You’re stranded on a deserted island, who's coming with you and why?
Probably my girlfriend, my buddy Olie and his girlfriend. I think Olie and I would make a good team and do just fine in the wild, and it would be nice to have our ladies for company, haha.
You get to have drinks with anyone (dead or alive) - who are you calling?
Theo Von. Guys too funny.
What advice would you give an 18-year-old that wants to do what you do?
Find other interests and passions so you don’t get bored when the waves are flat. Also learn to edit so you don’t have to rely on others to create your content.
Any guilty pleasures?
I’m so obsessed with archery that at times it gets in the way of other things, haha.
Favorite wild meat/fish to eat? (i.e. venison, dove, quail, king fish, redfish, etc.) And in what kind of meal do you prepare it/eat it?
Love wild venison, and quality fish. Opakapaka is probably my favorite. Great raw or cooked. Dream meal would be venison rib rack seared with a good mint or chimichurry sauce. Then some Opakapaka Sashimi or poke traditional Hawaiian style and a few cooked any style. Can’t screw up Paka.
What’s your favorite element of Turtlebox? (battery life, durability, waterproofness, sound, togetherness, elevating experiences)
Love that it’s waterproof and durable. I’m always out in the elements and Turtlebox is rugged and can handle whatever I throw at it.
How do you use your Turtlebox?
I use Turtlebox on camping missions, in my house when I’m tinkering on my bow or cooking meals. On my jet ski while I’m fishing. Most life situations are better with good music coming out of a Turtlebox.
Name the most famous contact in your phone
Kelly Slater