Maggie Williams

Piggott, AR

Waterfowl Hunter & Podcast Host

Originally from the small, rural town of Piggott in northeast Arkansas, Maggie was her father’s shadow from a very young age. Following him around on the tractor and in the truck eventually led her to the duck woods as she became the 4th generation in her family to duck hunt on public land in Arkansas. That first day in the timber planted the seed and her passion for waterfowl was born.

So it became a tradition with her dad and his buddies to have her along whenever she cared to go. It was this sentiment of inclusion that played a huge part in Maggie’s interest in the outdoors.

With her dad working in agriculture, long summer days on-site gave way to a wide open schedule in winter. This meant unfettered dedication to waterfowl hunting from opening day to the last hour of shooting light each season. With so much time dedicated to this pursuit running late to school, holidays & birthdays was a notable and well known fact about Maggie in the William’s household. Often showing up with dog hair and feathers all over the camo she had worn that morning.
Strong in her faith & bursting with confidence you wouldn’t be surprised to find out that she comes from a strongly united family. She’ll be the first to tell you that their support & encouragement is a huge reason for her success today.

Continuing the familiar tradition of inclusion, she is a passionate advocate & voice of encouragement to women in the outdoors. Her biggest megaphone for this message is her podcast “The Maggie William’s Podcast” where she shares her experiences from the field, cracks a few jokes and plays host to some of the most influential folks in the outdoor industry.
When she’s not behind the mic or in the woods, you can probably find her hanging out with her field golden, Kate. The duo travel all over the country together, finding birds and making friends in the field.

Whether she’s chasing ducks in the timber or waiting patiently for a big tom to strut into range, we’re excited to see where the next adventure takes her. With so much time spent in motion and on the road, Turtlebox has become a natural part of the equation, because every great rambler needs a soundtrack. We’re proud to support Maggie on all of her adventures, through the use of our product.

We caught up with Maggie between hunts and ask her a few not so serious questions. Read what she said below...

​​What is your profession? Did you always know this is what you would end up doing or was it something you "stumbled into"?
I work freelance in social media marketing. From a very young age, I knew I always wanted to work in the outdoor space and the marketing side of things was a very natural fit.

​​Favorite movie?
My lifelong favorite movies are tied–Forrest Gump and O’ Brother Where Art Thou.

​​Favorite book?
My favorite book is Tenth Legion by Col. Tom Kelley

​​Most inspiring quote, piece of art, saying, or advice that has impacted the way you live today?
The most inspiring message that has impacted the way I live today is Romans 8:28, “And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.”

​​When you’re not working, what are you doing for fun?
When I’m not working, I’m hunting. When I’m not hunting, I’m either exercising, working Kate, or staying in due to my nature as a homebody.

​​Coolest place you’ve ever traveled?
The coolest place I’ve ever traveled is the northwest. I love spending time in Washington, Montana, North Dakota, and Colorado.

​​Bucket list destination you haven’t been yet?
A bucket list destination for me is Hawaii–I’d love to turkey hunt there soon.

​​You’re stranded on a deserted island - who is coming with you and why?
If I’m stranded on a deserted island, I’m bringing my golden retriever, Kate. We’re a package deal and go everywhere together anyway, it would make sense for us to be in this predicament together. I don’t like to spend any days without her, so naturally I’d pick her. She’d keep me in good company, protect me from any predators, and even help me retrieve any game I needed to survive. She’s a pretty handy little companion.

You get to have drinks with anyone (dead or alive) - who are you calling?​​
Drinks with anyone dead or alive, I’m calling Agnes Herbert. She was one of the first females in history to travel the world, on both solo and companioned hunting trips, in pursuit of wild game. Agnes was a journalist who wrote about her hunting journeys during a time period when it was taboo for women to read and write, let alone participate in hunting.

What advice would you give an 18-year-old that wants to do what you do?​​
I would tell 18-year old Maggie to always stand up for herself and what she believed in, and to be bolder, and braver, And, I’d tell her I was proud of her.

​​Any guilty pleasures?
My guilty pleasure is definitely ice cream. Butter pecan and red velvet are my two favorites!

​​What’s your favorite element of Turtlebox? (battery life, durability, waterproofness, sound, togetherness, elevating experiences)
My favorite element of Turtlebox is its waterproofness. As someone who lives on the river and spends a large part of her time on the water, I love to elevate the moment with any classic country tunes. With my lifestyle, it’s necessary to have accessories that are rugged and able to withstand the elements and the Turtlebox is the perfect addition to every adventure.

​​How do you use your Turtlebox?
I use my Turtlebox on summer days, riding the river. I also use it when camping, or spending time with friends outdoors!

​​Name the most famous contact in your phone
The most famous contact in my phone is hard to pick. With my pageant background, I’ve ran into a lot of cool folks, but outdoors related, I’d have to say the Duck Dynasty boys are up there!

Maggie Williams eyes to the sky.
Maggie Williams with truck full load.