Ranch / Rodeo
Brought up in West Texas, Dusty Burson embraced life in the saddle from a young age, working cows & breaking colts to sustain his family’s small cattle operation. Later on while attending Texas Tech, with their ranch horse program in it’s infancy, Dusty decided on a whim to tryout. With a chance to walk-on and some direction from his coach and mentor Kris Wilson, Dusty started on the path to success in the show ring.

When his collegiate career came to an end, Dusty was fortunate to land a job at the legendary 6666’s Ranch, breaking colts and continuing to compete while steadily earning much deserved respect from the ranching & rodeo community. Naturally, Dusty has moved up the ranks and is now the manager the Dixon Creek division, one of 3 divisions on the 6666’s raising cattle and training horses. He is also a member of the 6666’s competition rodeo team, one of the most successful and well respected teams on the WRCA circuit. As humble as they get, Dusty is one of the most well-rounded cowboys in the west and we are bucking with pride to have him on the roster. Learn more about Dusty & what makes him tick in the Q&A below...
Favorite movie?
Favorite book?
The Good Book
Most inspiring quote, piece of art, saying, or advice that has impacted the way you live today?
Find a job you enjoy doing, and you will never work a day in your life! (Boots)
When you’re not working, what are you doing for fun?
Work is fun! A Lot of my Job is also my hobby! I also enjoy hunting and playing with my kids.
Coolest place you’ve ever traveled?
Bucket list destination you haven’t been yet?
You’re stranded on a deserted island - who is coming with you and why?
My wife Kirsten, so I will survive! lol but seriously.
You get to have drinks with anyone (dead or alive) - who are you calling?
John Wayne
What advice would you give an 18-year-old that wants to do what you do?
Find Jesus and always keep him #1! Everything else will fall where it needs to if you seek His will.
Favorite wild meat/fish to eat? (i.e. venison, dove, quail, king fish, redfish, etc.) And in what kind of meal do you prepare it/eat it?
Red Snapper & Wahoo
What’s your favorite element of Turtlebox? (battery life, durability, waterproofness, sound, togetherness, elevating experiences)
Sound, durability and how loud they are.
How do you use your Turtlebox?
We use our Turtlebox daily! My kids love listening to “tunes” when we play outside and drive around the ranch on our ranger. We also use it at “work” -- riding colts, roping, shoeing horses, and hanging out after work. I always turn it on when I am shooting my Bow as well.
Name the most famous contact in your phone
Sam Elliott