Brooke Basse
Spearfisher / Commercial Diver
Growing up San Fransisco, the frigid Pacific waters off the coast of Northern California seemed like a dark & uninviting place. For Brooke, it was and is anything but. A bold first descent into the depths of Monterey Bay as a teenager sealed the deal. Specializing in Marine Diving Technologies at Santa Barbara City College, doors opened to a career under the ocean’s surface & if there’s one thing we know about Brooke, that’s right where she wants to be. “If I could live underwater, I would,” she says. From research on Spanish galleons to commercial diving work doing maintenance and repair on offshore oil rigs and maybe a movie set in between, the work never stops. Though neither does the play, since Brooke has honed in on her spearfishing skills & recently acquired a rigid hull inflatable boat, the perfect vessel for offshore strike missions. Now complete with a more capable sound system, we’re thrilled to embark into the unknown with Brooke at the helm.

What is your profession? Did you always know this is what you would end up doing or was it something you “stumbled into”?
I work in a variety of fields but started my career as a commercial diver right after high school. I attended a commercial diving school in Santa Barbara and after I worked on offshore oil rigs in Southern California. While I loved the work, I found it mentally unstimulating over time, so I returned to college to pursue a degree in Anthropology and Archaeology, focusing on Underwater Nautical Archaeology. Combining my diving expertise with a love for history seemed like a natural fit, but despite my efforts, I wasn’t able to break into that field after graduation. I returned to commercial diving and, through referrals and connections, consistently found new opportunities. In 2018, I was offered a chance to work in the film industry, and I never turn down a new opportunity. My first job was on Avatar 2, and since then, I’ve continued to work in the industry, primarily in the Marine Department. My roles range from running logistic boats and overseeing water safety (on and underwater) to performing water stunts and building underwater sets. While I didn’t always know this is where I’d end up, I wouldn’t say I stumbled into it either—I’ve simply said “yes” to opportunities, which has led me to where I am today.
Favorite movie?
The Abyss and Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom. The Abyss is a movie that sparked my curiosity for the underwater world when I was a kid. I got to work on Avatar 2 and that was a crazy full circle life moment having James Cameron as my boss. He wrote and directed The Abyss. And Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom is just a silly one that was a favorite from childhood.
Most inspiring quote, piece of art, saying, or advice that has impacted the way you live today?
“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So, throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover”- I love this quote. I basically interpret it as having to get out of your comfort zone to see what you’re capable of, what you can achieve. It can feel unsafe and scary but if you don’t try, you will never know!
When you’re not working, what are you doing for fun?
Ha ha I’d be in the same place... the ocean. On my boat doing some kind of ocean adventure and/or surfing.
Coolest place you’ve ever traveled?
They are all really special for different reasons. But one of my favorite so far is the Tuamotus, east of Tahiti, in French Polynesia.
Bucket list destination you haven’t been yet?
You get to have drinks with anyone (dead or alive) - who are you calling?
That’s easy. Well it’s 3 people.. My Grandma and Grandpa and my Mom. I give anything for one last family dinner.
You’re stranded on a desert island who’s coming with you and why?
Hmmm... No one specific yet but haha, I’ll take applications of anyone who is interested :)
What advice would you give an 18-year-old that wants to do what you do?
Take every opportunity that comes your way. You never know where it will lead or the connections you will make from it. Don’t take for granted the people that support and help you along the way. You can’t get to where you are in life without advice, mentoring support, etc. From people who believe in you and want to see you succeed. Let them know how much you appreciate them.
Favorite wild meat/fish to eat? (i.e. venison, dove, quail, king fish, redfish, etc.) And in what kind of meal do you prepare it/eat it?
White sea bass, yellowtail, blue fin, scallops and elk. With the fresh fish I get I usually always eat it in different forms raw. But haha, ideally I’d have someone else who is a better cook than me make it.
What’s your favorite element of Turtebox?
The fact that it is waterproof and floats is what I love about it the most. But it is just easy to take with on any adventure and it is super rugged.
How do you use your Turtlebox?
Usually on my boat. But really anytime I am doing something outside.